Friday, 24 April 2015

Banana Skin Care Benefits For Skin

Banana Skin Care Benefits For Skin

Almost all people love bananas but some unrequited love bananas, somehow. But the author can tell regarding facials together banana skin feels weird well ?. In a proportion of people who finished eating bananas can usually throw the banana peel in the garbage room or the possibility that an animal feed (if that is the breeder). For those who do not understand very well regarding the benefits of banana peel, would definitely curious is not it? Not Few women or men looking for a solution to take care of their body, especially the face with various kinds of tricks, for example, with the spa with the amount of the price which is expensive, or subscription memasker in certain salons along that fantastic rates, which is another matter.
Back to bananas or skin that plainly in the banana skin there are a variety of content such as vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, protein, fiber which also tinggik protein that is passable. Banana skin itself has anti herbal character, it can produce antibiotics, as well as having many whitening properties that can overcome a wide range of skin problems danjuga useful for treatment. Other substances that are on a banana peel as Luten, potassium and antioxidants can be useful for the treatment of facial skin or other skin.
Wide variety of skin problems treated with a tool capable of banana peels, how to pass lightly rub-rub with banana peel sector does little fiber to the area who have skin problems. Do not be overcome with the facial skin of a banana skin, but other issues such as:

Natural face mask. It has been said earlier that the banana skin whitening agents and antioxidants have the most support in pemaskeran to face and pass lightly done. Passable rubbing along her skin until the banana peel on the banana fibers stick to the face, then left overnight, woke up early when his new rinse with warm water.
Treat acne. Banana skin antioxidant content to plainly be an alternative for treating acne stubborn. The trick passable only rubbed banana skin to facial acne.
Irritation to the skin. Anti-fungal substances on a banana skin is going to overcome irirasi and sense itching from insect bites, was able to disguise old wounds second.
Smoothing the skin. The use of bananas to soften skin / facial skin care adalaha step that harmonious, because not spend money that is not little, because the pass buy banana alone.
So with the benefit of bananas to peel facials, happy reading.

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