Wednesday, 1 April 2015

15 Anti-Cancer Food that You Need to Know

15 Anti-Cancer Food that You Need to Know

Dr Rochelle Skin Expert

Cancer now become one of the diseases that are feared by the great sebagan world population. Tumor cells crescent require treatment Dr Rochelle Skin Expert that does not sacrifice a little while, money and health. By applying force hdiup healthy as regular exercise and nutritional intake of foods that fit, so the effects of cancer could be prevented.
Berkut are many types of anti-cancer foods that not infrequently we see everyday are also able to relieve you avoid the danger of cancer.

1. Fish
Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and other fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids that can prevent the impact of prostate and breast cancer.

2. Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower
All 3 categories of this vegetable has chemical constituents who called indole-3-carbinol (I3C) that will fight breast cancer cells and alter estrogen triggers cancer so protective. Broccoli and able Prevent colon cancer and rectal.

3. Soybean
Product processed soy such as tofu, tempeh or soy milk contain isoflavone compounds that would inhibit the growth of cancer cells such as prostate and breast cancer.

4. Chili
Despite having spicy and pungent flavor that tongue, capcaisin content in chilli could neutralize many cancer cells such as cancer of the stomach and intestines.

5. Garlic
These herbs have allyl sulfur content and active substances such as vitamins A, B, C, calcium, potassium, carotene and selenium which is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Garlic may also play a role which is an antioxidant and kill germs Helicobacter pylori trigger stomach cancer.

6. Papaya
Papaya tajir will vitamin C and folic acid which will work as a antioxidant and minimize the risk of cervical cancer and certain types of cancer.

7. Avocado
The green colored fruits and antioxidant glutathione tajir can create free radicals. Avocados are recognized will treat liver disease related together as hepatitis, liver damage and liver cancer.

8. Pomelo
This citrus fruit contains monoterpenes which is believed to emit carcinogens from the body that triggers the many types of cancer. Pomelo and contains vitamin C, carotene and folic acid.

9. Wine
Grapes, especially that red, containing compound bioflavonoids, antioxidants that act as a deterrent to cancer and inhibit tumor growth. Red wine contains alcohol which was able to neutralize cancer-causing free radicals.

10. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potato has antioxidant compounds and beta-carotene which will reduce the risks of breast cancer. Sweet potato extract is recognized, would reduce the tumor also inhibits the growth of new cancer cells.

11. Seaweed
Seaweed has a main substances for combating breast cancer cells, such as beta-carotene, protein, vitamin B12, fiber and chlorophyll.

12. Mushrooms
Mushrooms such as shiitake, maitake and reisihi contains polysaccharides, especially lentinan, which potent compounds to rebuild immunity. Mushrooms also contain lectin proteins that can kill cancer cells and prevent mutated or dividing.

13. Tomato
This vegetable fruits contain lycopene which would fight cancer-causing free radicals. Lycopene is recognized will kill cancer cells and reduce the risk of oral cancer, prostate, breast, pancreatic and collateral.

14. Pomegranate
Pomegranate good reply quickly consumed or processed into juice contains polyphenols that inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Buliran pomegranate can also block the enzymes that convert androgens so estrogen and prevent breast cancer.

15. Green Tea
Green tea has antioxidant content labeled cathecins which would prevent the development of cancer cells. The content of polyphenols in green tea was going to prevent many types of cancer such as lung cancer, stomach, colon colon, liver and pancreas.

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